Chillicothe Truck
173 Renick Ave, Chillicothe, OH
(740) 773-8782
Opens today at 9:00 AM
Opens today at 9:00 AM

Best Car & Truck Trade-in Values in Ohio

Let Chillicothe Truck buy your car, truck, ATV, tractor, you name it. We pay top dollar — whether you buy a truck from us or not.

Vehicle Information1 / 4

Get started by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make and model, or your license plate.

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Photos (Optional)3 / 4
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Confirmation5 / 4

Caution: Before you sell your used car or truck privately

Want to sell your vehicle on your own? Consider these risks:

There’s no timetable for how long it will take to sell. Days? Weeks? Months? Hope you don’t need the cash right away.

You’ll be handing your keys over to complete strangers for test drives. Is that a risk you’re willing to take?

If you don’t line up the right buyer right away, you’ll continue paying car insurance, taxes, and loan payments.

What about those mechanical & cosmetic issues with your car or truck? Get ready to shell out cash to fix it up.

People back out of deals at the last minute all the time. That’s more time wasted and you’re back at square one.

Did you take all the proper steps to protect you and your family from liability — even after the car gets sold?

Are you good at negotiating? People will show up at to your home. And you’ll have to talk them into a sale.

After you put in all the effort and expense to do everything right, there’s still no guarantee you’ll get the price you wanted.